Proud to call Canada home

Happy Canada Day!

Both My Favourite Husband and I made a point of celebrating Canada Day. Proud Canadians, we were keenly aware of how blessed we are to call this land our home.

MFH could trace his French ancestry to settlers who came over from France generations ago. That was, in large part, due to one an Aunt of his who spent time tracing the lineage on his Mothers side. Both of his bloodlines, however, ran deep and strong as longtime residents of this great country.

My ancestors had arrived more recently- my paternal grandparents as small children and my maternal great grandparents in their youth. All of of my ancestors came from hardworking Eastern European families arriving for the promise of a better life. A life free from war, persecution. A life that promised a brighter future for generations down the road.

The sacrifices that all of them made were incredible. Nothing came easy to them. But if they worked hard, if they worked smart this new country would pay them back by giving them hope.

That’s what Canada is to me - hope. Freedom. My country is not perfect and I will never claim it to be. There have been changes throughout the years that has seen a decline in our health care and a rise in our taxes. There are far right wing ideals getting toted along with ideologies that seem to be at odds with with the core principles and values of what this country was founded on. Sometimes I shake my head in wonder over the things I read, the things I hear.

And yet….

I still hear them, see them, respond to them. As citizens we still have to right to express our thoughts, opinions and ideas it out censure. We can still speak our minds. We still have governments that work towards fixing and improving what needs to be fixed and improved. We have social programs, schools, access to health care, clean water, food and shelter. We also have the freedom to elect those governments. 

People still come here to find brighter futures, hope for a better life. No matter how much long time residents think it’s changed - and it has- my country is still a shining light In a world that sometimes is dim.

Happy Birthday Canada. I’m proud to call you home.


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