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I'm launching my own 'Just say no' campaign

‘No’ is a complete sentence. This. Just this. I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m getting weary of obligations to people and commitments I’m no longer invested in. People with whom I’m making an effort to connect, to stay in touch, to nurture the bond. I’m tired of obligations, of defending how and where I spend my time. Damn it, I’ll be 59 this year, I’m widowed and childless. So if this isn’t the time for me to claim my time, make myself a priority and put the people in my life who want to be here first, then when? On my Moroccan tour, there was a group of four women who especially connected. We had conversations about almost everything (or so it seemed). I learned so much from these ladies and I soaked in what they’ve shared, getting to the points of life where they’re at. And much like the other ladies in my close circle, I felt their love and returned that love as we talked about navigating life. So much wisdom. So many lessons, especially about prioritizing their time a

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