My tribute to The Editor

This post will not be popular with one person but I’m going to write it anyway.

For everyone else, thank you for reading what’ll be a short and sweet homage to my friend, The Editor.

The Editor and I went to college together. He was a journalism student and I studied public relations but we had classes together. We connected socially and got to know each other but life and distance had our lives drifting apart for many years. It was through social media we reconnected, caught up with each other and began to rekindle a friendship. This time, the friendship was rich with life experience.

We connected in person in 2019 when The Editor was in town on business. He invited My Favourite Husband (MFH) and I out for supper. MFH was not keen to go to the initial meeting. “You go this time and catch up," MFH said. "I’ll go with you next time." Next time didn’t happen, though. His death meant The Editor and MFH never met. It’s too bad. I think they would’ve liked each other. 

Our friendship grew as we connected electronically after that initial meeting. And as that friendship expanded, we began to share more and more about our lives.

When MFH died, he offered assistance in any manner and I took him up on his offer by calling on him to be a trusted sounding board for my journal writings. The first year after MFH died, I wrote about my pain. No one in my close circle is widowed and COVID-19 denied me an in-person support group opportunity, so I wrote it all. And I sent my writings to my four closest friends because I felt like sharing kept me sane. 

About one year after MFH's death, The Editor had a heart to heart with me about writing a blog on my experiences. My initial reaction was flat-out rejection. And to his credit, he never pushed me one way or the other, and told me whatever I did, he’d support me. I gave it some thought. And I wondered if writing what I’m feeling and my experiences would resonate with others. If it made even one less person feel alone, it would be worth it. 

And so I agreed with the caveat that he help me. I know nothing about setting up blog sites and tweeting — both of which he is very comfortable with. I’d write with his help. He agreed.

So our process is this: I write about whatever I want. He vetoes nothing. Not often but once in awhile, I write something that I can’t clean up or make right. I’ll ask for suggestions from him and he gives me advice on how I might structure a piece better. 

I call this "our" blog because it's truly a collaborative effort. I love to write but the logistics of the website are not something that speak to me. Luckily, they do to him.

In addition to his blog help, I’ve also deepened a friendship with someone who I have great respect and admiration for. He is smart, kind and has a wonderful sense of humour. He is honest with me about conversations that we have — he doesn’t sugarcoat things and pulls no punches and speaks without malice.

He is part of my trusted inner circle of friends and, like the others, I value him beyond measure. 

By now he’s gotten to the end of this post and probably muttered about it the whole way through. (Editor's note: mutter, mutter, mutter, grumble.) He will give me many reasons as to why it shouldn’t be run. I’ll dispute them all.

So, My Editor, here’s a very public thank you for all you do to help bring my scribblings into the world so I can connect with others. Thank you for being who you are. My world is better for our friendship.


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