Giving thanks for a life that's blessed (albeit turkey deficient)

Canadian Thanksgiving was one week ago today. 

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and give thanks for all of the gifts in life. I do think there’s a little give and take to this, though — blessings in abundance and blessings that didn’t quite hit the mark…

Blessings in abundance:

  • Family and friends who love and support me, kick my ass when needed and hug me when needed
  • A roof over my head and food on my table. The basics in life.
  • A new career as a flight attendant that enables me to “soar to new heights” professionally.
  • Health. Yes, I’m getting some of the old-age aches and pains of a body well lived (with some arthritis) but, overall, I still have my health. I’m bendy and mobile, which allows me to do a wide variety of activities.
  • Access to a multitude of swimming pools in my city that enables me to enjoy exercise in a way that works best for my body and my lifestyle.
  • This blog. I’m enjoying writing it for two reasons: it allows me to work through many emotions and express them in a way that works for me, and it allows me (through my Twitter account) to connect with others who are also finding themselves on a new path due to a loss.
  • Beer. I just don’t think enough people appreciate it and I’m grateful for a cold one every now and then.

Blessings that need work:

  • Passengers who don’t bring their FAs leftover turkey sandwiches. People! I had been flying for two days — long days — and there was no Thanksgiving dinner and no leftover turkey sandwiches. I ate cold, leftover pizza. It was good but it wasn't a turkey sandwich. 

That’s about it. Overall, despite the fact that My Favourite Husband isn’t with me physically (but I’m sure HE had leftover turkey sandwiches; that probably didn’t say ASS on them), I have a life that’s blessed.

I really can’t ask for much more than that.



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